
My Story

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in BowlingGreen Kentuckey, my mom says somwhere around lunch time..
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Moving

    Moved to Stillwater
  • Married Couple

    Married Couple
    My dad marries Ellen, my new bonus mother
  • Time to Grow

    Time to Grow
    "Graduted" 5th grade
  • Ouch!?

    Got hit in the head with a chunk of asphault, needed 5 stiches(still has a lump)
  • Older!?

    Leaving Middle School to go to Junior High
  • Ouch Again!?

    Ouch Again!?
    Beaned the back of my head with a large pole.. 5 stiches, oops
  • Stupid Mad

    Stupid Mad
    Mad reviewed me and my friends drawings and considered hiring us to work for there animation companie, but there paralegal dint want lawsuits over us being under aged so the droped us.. I was ticked!
  • Colledge

    I aspire to go to OSU and study art after graduating Highschool
  • Adulthood

    I hope to be married around this time, maybe have kidlings