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My Extrodinary Life

  • Birth

    • Mother and Father were significant at my birth
    • My parents were expecting me to come out healthy and screaming
    • The initial accord between Israel and the PLO about partial self-rule of the Palestinians on the West Bank occured on the day of my birth
  • Little sister was born

    Little sister was born
    • My older sisters were very influential on me and my play time, what I acted like and what I valued.
    • My parents were expecting me to adapt to being a big sister.
    • When my little sister was born, Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood & George Strait won the 31st Country Music Association Award.
  • Learned how to ride a bike

    Learned how to ride a bike
    • My father; he was the one who taught me how
    • My mother and father expected to pick it up really quickly
    • The United Nations defines the Blue Line as the border between Israel and Lebanon on the day that I learned how to ride a bike.
  • Moved from Missouri to Arizona

    Moved from Missouri to Arizona
    • My mother: she was the one who moved my younger sister and I out first while my two older sisters and my father finished school.
    • My parents were expecting us to be sad about the move, but handle it pretty well
    • Same-sex marriage becomes legal in the Netherlands, the first country to allow it, happened when I moved to Arizona
  • Bought our house in Arizona

    Bought our house in Arizona
    • My aunt was very influential in our move and where we decided to live
    • My parents were expecting us to adapt to our new living situations quickly
    • The planes hit the twin towers on the day we bought our house
  • Graduated Elementary School

    Graduated Elementary School
    • My 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Lutz, was a huge influence on me and my striving to be better in school
    • My parents were expecting me to fall into a tough stage of life: puberty
    • The Ostankino Tower in Moscow caught fire for the second time on the day I graduated Elementary school
  • Started my first year of club volleyball

    Started my first year of club volleyball
    • My coach, Steve-O, really influenced me in my volleyball career: inspiring me to be the best and pushing me to improve.
    • My parents were half expecting me to get signed with a school, since I was so into it.
    • Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger launched Instagram the day I started my first year of club volleyball
  • Was in my first serious relationship

    Was in my first serious relationship
    • My boyfriend, Jason, really chalenged me to be the best version of myself that I could. He has had, and still has so much influence on my life.
    • My parents were expecting me to end the relationship sooner because of our religeous differences.
    • On the day that Jason and I started dating, Teachers in Chicago held a strike that effected 350,000 students
  • Graduated HIgh School

    Graduated HIgh School
    • My father was a huge influence on what I wanted to do with my career and pushed me to aim higher and achieve my dreams
    • My parents were expecting me to have a great time in my major
    • Microsoft announced the release of Xbox One on the day I graduated high school.
  • Changed my major to Art Education

    Changed my major to Art Education
    • My father and my best friend Jenna were very influential in my decision to change majors, encouraging me and supporting my decision.
    • My parents expect me to do well in school and take my time figuring out what I want to do in life.
    • On the day that I decided to change my major, over 200 pro-democracy activists were arrested in Hong Kong.