Sam runs away from home
(exact date unknown) Sam Left home sometime in May. -
Sam Meets Old Man Bill And Learns To Make Fire
Sam's scared and is thinking about going home with the truck driver until he sees the old man Bill's cabin. He runs to the cabin and ask to come in. Bill let's him come in, sleep, and tought him to make fire. -
Sam Gets To Delhi (Approximate date)
Sam hitchhiked to Delhi, New York. By 6 'oclock that evening, he stiil hadn't found anyone in Dehi who Gribleys, so slept on the porch of a school house and ate chocolate bars for supper. -
Sam's house is done
"The house is a hemlock six feet in diameter, and must be as old as the mountian itself. I came upon it last summer and dug and burned it out until I made snug cave in the tree that I now call home. My bed is on the right s you enter, and is made of ash slats and covered with deerskin. On the left is a small fireplace about knee high. It is of clay and stones. It has a chimney that leads the smoke out through a knothole. I chiped three other knotholes to let fresh air in." -
Sam has been living in the wild for a month
Sam has been living in the wilderness for a whole month today. -
The Strawberry Lady Comes
Even thought he didn't want to Sam helped her pick strawberies and walked her back to Delhi. While he was there he went to see Miss Turner and read a few books about hawks and falcons. The Strawberry picking lady was very talkitive and did not shut er mouth until Sam walked away. -
Sam starts making salt
He used hickory stick which when boiled dry leave a salty residue. The next morning he added: "It is quite true. The can is dry, and thick with a black substance.It is very salty." -
Sam's bed is done
His bed is of ash slats andis very springy and comfortable. It fits in the right-hand side of his tree. Before he got deerhide on his bed he had hemlock boughs as blankets. -
Sam digs a pit to trap deer
He whittled a shovel out of a board he found in a stream that morning. "That stream is very useful. It has given me tin cans for pots, and now an oaken board for a shovel." -
Frightful Jumps From Stump To Fist
the book says: " Frightful will jump from the stump to my fist. She still can't fly. her wing feathers are lonly about an inch long. I think she likes me." -
Independance day
Sam did not say anything about this date but he did say, " The summer was wonderful, Thee was food in abundance, and I gathered it most of the morning -
Acornes Are ready
Exact date unknown. -
Frightful catches her first prey.
Exact date unknown. -
Sam's raft is almost done
The ratf is almost done and Bando has promised to stay with Sam till they can go fishing in the deep fishing holes. -
Bando fires clay pots for Sam
Bando finds clay slick as ice and deciedes to make clay pots, jars, and lids. Bando got the fire hot by using some homemade bellows that he made from one of Sam's skins that he tied together like a balloon. -
Terribly hot day to be firing clay jars
Even though it is a terribly hot day to be firing clay jars, Bando sticks with it. They look like they'll work and Bando filled three of them that night. The jam is good and the pots remind me of crude flower pots without the hole in the bottom. Some of the lids don't fit right. Bando says he will go home and read more about pottery making so that he can do a better job next time. -
Bando teaches Sam to make whillow whistles
"Bando and I went to the stream and cut to fat twigs about eight inches long. He slipped the bark on them. That means he pulled the wood out of the bark, leaving a tube. He made a mouthpiece at one end, cut a hole beneath it, and use the wood to slide up and down like a trombone." Sam and Bando played music till the moon came up. Bando could play jazz on the willow whistles. "They are wonderful instruments, sounding much like the wind in the top of the hemlocks. -
Baron Weasle looks moldy
"I couldnt get near enough to see what was the matter with him, but it occurs to me that he might be changing his summer fur for his winter mantle. If he is, it's an itchy process. He scratches alot. -
Sam gets clay for his fire place
Sam dragged the clay up the hill in his second best pair of city pants. To keep it from falling it out he tied the bottoms of the legs, stuffed them full, and as Sam looked down the mountian, he thought of Halloween and scarecrows. -
Sam's been up and down the mountian every day for a week
Sam's been up and down the mountian every day for a week, watchingto see if walnuts and hickory nuts are ripe. "Today I found the squirrles all over the trees harvesting them furiously, and so I have decided that ripe or not I must hrvest them. It's me or the squirrels. -
Sam's awoken by a gushot
Hunting season has started! Sam stole five hunters deer. If they hadn't found it in the first few minutes and they wern't looking, he would go hide the deer then when the hunters leave he would go claim his prize. -
Artical about sam came out in newspaper
Wild Boy Suspected Living Off Deer And Nuts In Wilderness Of Catskills. -
Sam goes to town and makes a friend
Sam cut his hair with a pen knife then went down the mountian to Delhi. There he met a boy about his age. Sam called him Mr. Jacket and Mr. Jacket called Sam Daniel Boon. -
Sam learns that hunters are exellent friends
"Hunters are exellent friends if used the right way." -
Snow storm starts
Strawberry picking lady talks to reporter
Artical Comes Out About Sam
"Old Woman Reports Meeting Wild Boy While Picking Strawberries In Catskills" Was the headline. -
Sam writes about his first snowstorm
Sam was very relived that is was over and all his dark fears left him. -
Sam's first snowstorm ends
He was scared -
"Will Bando Come?"
Bando comes
Sam's Dad comes
Dad Meets Frightful
Sam's Dad Leaves
Sam makes snowshoes
How to make snow shoes: ash sappling slats, whittle them thin enough to bow. Soak in water to make them bend easier, loop the two ends together and wind them wih hide. "With my penknife I made an inch apart all around the loop. I strung deer hide criss cross through the loops. -
Sam thinks he has a mouse
Morning - Sam writes, "I think there is a mouse living in my tree with me. I keep hearing it scuddling up and down my walls." Night - It is a mouse it came right up to Sam's door trying to get in and when Sam opened the door it ran away. -
Sam takes Frightful out
He took her to the medow and something frightend her. It was a great horned owl. -
Deer come to Sam for food
Deer press all around him. they are hungry. They stamped out yards to feed. They stay with Sam until spring. -
Sam Thinks The Great Horned Owls Have Babies!
Eggs in the snow! -
The Great Horned Owls Do Have Babies!
Sam climbed the tree and looked into the hollow. The great horned owls do have babies. -
First day of spring
Spring!!! -
The Deer Leave
Sam knows it's spring because the deer find new feeding grounds. -
Bando Meets The Baron Weasel
"I don't know where The Baron weasle has been this last week, but suddenly he appered on the rock, and nearly jummped down Bando's shirt collar. Bando said he liked The Baron best when he was in his hole. -
Sam's Family Comes
"Four days passed, and I talked to many reporters and photographers. At noon of the fifth day a voice called from the glen, 'I know you are there!' 'Dad!' I shouted, and once again burst down the mountain side to see my father. As I ran towards him, I herd sounds that stopped me. The sounds of branches and twigs breaking, of the flowers being crushed. Hordes were coming." But it wasn't reporters like Sam thought. It was his family!