Images (3)

My short life:

  • Birth:

    I was born on March 24, 2003 at 5:20 p.m. in the hospital Rosas del Tepeyac.
  • Kindergarten:

    I attended the kindergarten in 2006 on some day in August, I remember that day because I cried when I did not see my mother.
  • An old doll:

    An old doll:
    When I was eight years old my father gave me a doll that was his, this something old but it is a very pleasant memory.
  • New Year:

    New Year:
    The last time I had my family together in a new year, I remembered that day how we played in the streets with artificial games at night.
  • He's gone

    He's gone
    My father died on February 2, 2014 and with that he left a big hole in my family.
  • Amusement park:

    Amusement park:
    It was the first time I attended an amusement park in my life, the adrenaline was something new for me.
  • On a new level:

    On a new level:
    When I entered high school it was scary, according to me, because my hands were sweating and my belly hurt.
  • My computer:

    My computer:
    When I finish school my mom gave me a computer for my performance in school, it is the first I have and the only one.
  • Start:

    It was a very serious and comforting day, knowing that I was one of the thousands who did the exam and stayed inside full of determination.
  • Preparatory school:

    Preparatory school:
    It was the happiest day of my life, I think, because it was when I got the mail to know my comipems exam score and I knew I was in high school.
  • Now:

    Well my life is a short and somewhat boring, but I hope it comes out the best possible..u.