my short life

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born a special day. I was born the day Italy won 2-0 In a match against Germany that was hosting the world cup in 2006. A day of great madness for the Italians.
  • First class

    First class
    It was a very special day, although a little sad, since it broke my heart to see how my mother left me in the care of a stranger. (She was my nursery teacher)
  • My first presentation in English

    My first presentation in English
    I remember that I was in the fourth grade, that day I was destined to participate in a competition to pronounce words in English. In the end, my participation was terrible, my nerves got the better of me.
  • my school change

    my school change
    I was in 5th grade Due to personal problems I had to go live with my father who lived in Yondo. I was just a child and I did not like the change of school at all, although there I highlighted my academic results.
  • Primary graduation

    Primary graduation
    Luckily for me, the year I changed schools was also the year I graduated. I couldn't be with my friends but it wasn't that bad, I remember I couldn't put on my tie but I sweated there
  • First year of pandemic

    First year of pandemic
    In this year that started great with the start of classes, it ended up being one of the worst. I remember that I was in eighth grade when classes suddenly had to stop due to the virus.
  • return of pandemic

    return of pandemic
    This year we returned to school after a long pandemic in which we could not go out, of course caution still had to be exercised but everything was improving I met new people, classmates With whom I shared all this year
  • my 2023

    my 2023
    This year, well, my life has improved, I already exercise, I am in tenth grade with my girlfriend, I live with my mother, my brothers, and I hope to achieve all my goals. I am considering a great future.