My Self Study

By med208
  • Period: to

    The Saga of my Life

  • Physical Development

    From birth to age one my growth was normal. My body naturally matured at a comfortable rate allowing me to grow up healthfuly. This shows my Psysical Development.
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    As soon as I could walk I was following my older sister and bothering her. I couldn't not bother her. I was known by Godzilla during this time for the reason that I loved to play with my sister's lego sets, and by play I meant destroy because I didn't build anything or respect her things at this time. This shows myself in the Sensorimotor stage. I learned by touching... and destroying. This picture is of me and my obcession for dinosaurs.
  • Language Development

    My use of language only preceded as I grew, but for the early years of my toddlerhood I had trouble pronouncing my sister's name and combining the phonemes to sound Erica. Usually I ended up with "Errrrrrr" as I had trouble pronouncing any "k" sound. This shows my language development.
  • Social Development

    Social Development
    When I was young I was securely attatched. So much so that I wasn't just securely attatched to my mom; I had enough attatchment to my close family that I could be left with anyone of them and continue wit no anxiety. My mom use to call me Mr. Wonderful for the reason that I would stay happy. This example of secure attatchment demonstrates my Social Development. Here is my best friend, my sister, and me.
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    My favorite activities while growing up were to play with my neighbor outside and pretend that we had made our own secret club. We would constantly play fantasy as Star Wars Jedi or Patriotic Soldiers. This fantasy play proves my use of Fantasy Play during my Preoperational Stage. I obviously felt like getting my wizard on.
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    I was able to use my fluid int. at a younger age than some others. Throughout Middle and Elem. school, I was placed in advanced math classes because it comes easier to me. I was also on the chess team in Elem. school just proving I was that nerdy. This proves my Cognitive Development. Please enjoy me and my Harry Potter glasses.
  • Moral Development

    Due to an older sibling with mood disorder,my moral development was accelerated almost with fear pushing me into Conventional Moral Reasoning. It made me more aware of risks and consequences.
  • Physical Development

    Physical Development
    Going into my junior year of highschool, I grew upto 6 feet proving my physical changes. Fishing can get slow so sometimes I like to take power naps.
  • Cognitive Development

    It wasn't until the end of my Junior year of highschool that I became confident enough in myself to be able to make friends more easily. My self esteem boost is credit to my Cognitive Development.
  • Moral Development

    The ability to evaluate between choises of college and my faith prove that I'm not a stranger to postconventional moral reaoning. I am mature enough to make tough life choices by evaluating what is right and wrong.