My schooling life

  • My kinder garden

    I don't really remember the school I studied after Ingles de los Andes but I remember that I was 3 years old when I started and I finish at 5 years old
  • My school in the actual year

    After a year of searching for a school for me, I decided entering this school Colegio ingles de los andes in 2014. I have been here 7 years
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    Basketball classes

    In 2017 in the school I started another of my favorite sports, Basketball
  • My guitar clases

    I enter guitar classes in the summer of 2018 in Musitodo a music school near my home
  • Swiming classes

    I did some the swimming but it wasn't my favorite sport
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    My voleibol clases

    In 2021 I started one of my favorite passions named voleybol