
My school carrier

  • Kindergarden

  • 1 Grade

    1 Grade
    Making paper projects
  • 2nd grade

    2nd grade
    Ms. Hunt
  • 3rd Grade

    3rd Grade
    kids came in with puppets and made a movie with them for us
  • 4th Grade

    4th Grade
    Playing two hand touch during lunch
  • 5th Grade

    5th Grade
    I remember that i liked this one girl a lot and she asked me out and i said no but that was before i liked her and before her i was with this girl names Emily and she was in love with me but i didn't like her at all sooo yeah, picture is my teacher on the right holding the water bottle.
  • 6th Grade

    6th Grade
    I remember my friend and i would take bananas and milk and throw them at a wall and we would run away and laugh soo hard.
  • 7th Grade

    7th Grade
    I remember coming to page again and coming to page middle school as a visitor with my cousin kayden.
  • 8th Grade

    8th Grade
    I remember playing dodge ball during lunch in the morning.
  • 9th Grade

    9th Grade
    I remember when everyone was saying high school was scary but i though it was cool the first day.
  • 10th Grade

    10th Grade
    I played baseball last year
  • 11th Grade

    11th Grade
    Still here progressing