
My school career

  • Kindergarten

    I was in Ms. Blackhats class. I remember that we had a little play house that had a kitchen and a reading loft.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    I was taught fluent Navajo in class.I could also read in navajo.
  • Second Grade

    Second Grade
    I remember having to sit in ISS for calling a teacher a bad name.
  • Third Grade

    Third Grade
    I was in Mrs. Barlows class. There was a girl who had a really big art set that we got to use for the whole year.
  • Fourth Grade

    Fourth Grade
    I had Ms. Bates. I was in the deans office almost everyday that year, usually for "talking to much". The deans name was Mr. Fry.
  • Fifth Grade

    Fifth Grade
    I had Mrs. Luster. I remember that we adopted three manatees that year.