My rotten red headed brother-Rdrigo serrrano

  • Exposition

    Treesha and her brother Richard were always competing with each other,but Richard always won.When Treesha grandmother comes,Richard is always nice and when she leaves he's always being mean to Treesha,and always saying he can do anything better than her.He can climb the highest,spit the farthest,run the fastest,and he always says he's 4 years older.
  • Rising Action

    Treesha and her grandmother Bubby were laying down on her bed looking at the stars .Bubby said'look a falling star',then bubby spit at her finger twice and slap her chest.Treesha said'why did you do that Bubby'.Bubby said'I was making a wish,didn't you know saying a wish at a falling star come true'.So Treesha spit at her twice and slaped her chest,she said 'finnaly i can beat my brother at something.
  • Climax

    Richard said' look a driving canerval parking right in front of our field'.Treesha and her brother Richard went on the Merry go round to see who can stay there the longest.they took about 50 turns.Richard got off,Treesha went around and around,she said'I knew I can do this longer than you'she shouted.she felt a bit dizzy and got off ,and fell on a pile of pop bottles and passouut .She found her self on her bed.
  • Falling Action

    She found herself on her bed with Bubby in the edge with her mom and her grandpa.She gave them a fright,Treesha said'what happen'.Richard said'you fell'.'Richard had to carry you home andran to docter lee to come'said Bubby.Richard said'you had to get stiches,I wacthed it all'.She fell on pop bottles and passout.
  • Resolution

    Bubby and Treesha were looking at the stars,Treesha said'wishes are funny',Bubby said'you have to be careful what you wish for'.so Bubby huged Treesha abd went to sleep