my professional technology uses

  • Social Media Specialist

    Social Media Specialist
    Upward bound social media communication specialist. post announcement and updates on Facebook and instagram for students
  • use of Google Forms

    use of Google Forms
    used google forms to help get data collection streamlined for academic program. This allowed for real time reporting of information for summer program
  • Padlet online posting tool

    Padlet online posting tool
    This allowed me to use the padlet website for students so they can brainstorm ideas to create review topics and what to study
  • Assign online homework assignments

    Assign online homework assignments
    I learned how to use the publishers website to create assignments online so that students can have another way to solve problems other than just pencil and paper
  • Flipping classroom setting

    Flipping classroom setting
    learned how to record lecture so that students can take notes at home. using google drive i was able to post video that students can watch at home on a computer, cellphone or any where they can connect to the internet.