My place in Canadian History

  • Karl Sing

    Karl Sing
    Was born in munich, Germany
    he played soccer
    his father faught in the war for germany while his mother stayed at home and took care of the children
    he met Veronika and imigrated to Canada and lived/lives in Richmond hill
    he worked as a public transit driver he usually drove the subway train.
    In the picture is Veronika and Karl
    Veronica (Oma/Grandma) on the left and Karl (Opa/Grandpa) on the right
  • Helmut Schwarze

    born in Hamburg Germany
    played soccer
    his father faught in the war for Germany while his mom stayed home with the children
    met Renate in Germany then imagrated into canada and lived/lives in Aurora
    after moving to canada he worked as an aircraft builder/designer he helped make the air canada planes.
  • Veronika Sing

    Veronika Sing
    Born in Munich, Germany
    she lived on a farm with her family, and the german soldiers would get their source of food from their family. with them having to provide food for the soilders they did have much food for them selves so the children had to go out a find frogs so her mother could cook them.
    she then met Karl and imigrated to Canada and lived/lives in Richmondhill
    in this picture Veronika is on the left and Karl is on the right
  • Renate Schwarze

    Renate Schwarze
    was born and rasied in Berlin Germany
    grew up with 7 other siblings
    her father faught for germany in the war and her mother stayed home to watch the children
    she met Helmut and imigrated to Canada and lived/lives in Aurora
    she did not work
    In the picture from left to right is Helmut, Aunt Krista, Uncle Bernd and Renate
  • Frank Schwarze

    born in toronto and grew up in aurora
    he played soccer, baseball, and golf
    he went to school for tool and dye
    then got a job Magna and worked there for a number of years working himself up he was the manager of the tool and dye department. recently he decided to switch jobs and now works for bell as a technition. also he has created his own business called Vanguard Soccer Soultions
  • Christine Schwarze

    Christine Schwarze
    born and grew up in Richmond Hill Ontario
    played soccer, hockey, volleyball, basketball, track and field, cross country, golf, baseball
    started as a cashier at shoppers drugmart then worked her way up into cosmetic manager, then front store manger, then manager. and now is currently a deparment manager at lowes.
    she is the assistant soccer coach of the oakridges knights and is in a vollyball league.
    in the picture from left to right is Christine, Karl, Uncle Peter, Veronika and Uncle Roland
  • Christine and Frank's Wedding

    Christine and Frank's Wedding
    the day my parents got married.
    dad (Frank) on the left, and mom (Christine) on the right
  • Heather Schwarze

    Heather Schwarze
    Born in richmond hill
    grew up in aurora, King city and Newmarket
    did karate, plays soccer for the Oak Ridges Knights, snowboards, does track and field, and cross country
    currently works for Shoppers Drugmart
    in the picture its me (Heather) my dog Valentino and my brother Michael
  • Michael Schwarze

    Michael Schwarze
    born at south lake hospital
    grew up in aurora, king city and newmarket
    did karate, plays soccer for newmarket and skis
  • First Day of Karate

    First Day of Karate
    Michael and Me(Heather)
  • Vangard Soccer Solutions Inc.

    Vangard Soccer Solutions Inc.
  • Mom's side of the family

    Mom's side of the family
    Back Row: Karl, Frank, Uncle Peter, Uncle Roland, and Stefan
    Middle Row: Christine, Veronika, Me (Heather), Michael, Aunt Darline, Aunt Treasa, and Francesca
    Front Row: Danielle, Valentino, and Brianne
  • Grandparents and Kids on mom's side

    Grandparents and Kids on mom's side
    Standing: Danielle, Stefan, and Francesca
    Sitting: Brianne, Karl, Michael, Veronika, and Me (Heather)
  • Old Picture Taken in German

    Old Picture Taken in German
    on the very left side is Karl and the two little boys are my uncles Roland and Peter