My Photo Journey

By Bree
  • Television

    Nothing like sitting in front of a black and white fuzzy, clunky tv set that you had to get up and change the channels. No remotes, lots of antennae issues. So fun
  • VCR

    I remember when we first got our VCR in the 1980's. We loved recording tv shows and watching them over and over again.
  • Cassette Tapes

    Cassette Tapes
    How many mixed tapes did I make in the 1980's and 90's. So many love tapes. Loved recording and then recording over. Loved to record myself too. So fun
  • Records

    I played the same records over and over again when I was little. They were old records of movies or mixes of songs.
  • Walkman

    First one was a chunky Sony Walkman in 1987. Try going for a jog with a brick in your hand. YIkes
  • Typewriter

    I took my first word processing class in 8th grade. We used electric typewriters. Oh how I hated correction tape, and the stress of having to type so fast.
  • Cameras

    I loved the old Polaroids/ disposable cameras, processing my own film. All those bad printed pictures because you had no way to view them.
  • I-Pod

    Who didn't think that I-Pods weren't the coolest invention ever. All my favorite music in one place.
  • CD's

    Probably had my first portable CD player in the 90's. I thought it was so cool how they were so sleek and much better then a cassette tape....right?
  • Old Apple Computer

    Old Apple Computer
    These alien ship shaped computers were everywhere when I was in college. So new-age and awesome