My Personal Timeline: Isaac Richardson

  • I was born!

    I was born!
    I was born in Dothan, Alabama!
  • Period: to

    My Personal Timeline

  • I moved to Pensacola

    I moved to Pensacola
    This my first move to a new city, but I was too young to be attached to Dothan. However, a lot of my early influences in life like adults and friends changed. Moving from Dothan changed how I would have lived my life in Dothan, and instead grew up in Pensacola.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    Early elementary school is an important time for the developing mind. I made many childhood friends at Lipscomb.
  • Hurricane Ivan hits Pensacola

    Hurricane Ivan hits Pensacola
    This was my first, and so far my last, hurricane! I had never experienced serious weather of that severity, and it opened my eyes to the reality of natural disasters.
  • My grandfather passed away.

    My grandfather passed away.
    This was the first death of a close relative I have experienced. His influence would still play a huge part in my life had he not died!
  • My dog passed away.

    My dog passed away.
    This was the first pet I lost.
  • Moved from Cantonment to Myrtle Grove

    Moved from Cantonment to Myrtle Grove
    This move was one that really changed my life. I had to make new friends and had to become accustomed to a different social environment from that in Pensacola.
  • Received my first guitar

    Received my first guitar
    My first guitar started me off on a journey that eventually launched a career for me.
  • Started Middle School at Brown Barge

    Started Middle School at Brown Barge
  • Started High School at EHS

    Started High School at EHS
  • Got accepted into UWF

    Got accepted into UWF