my personal timeline

  • I was born!

    I was born!
  • My baby brother is born and we moved into our new house in Ardingly

    My baby brother is born and we moved into our new house in Ardingly
  • We travel to Burma to visit my Dad's family

    We travel to Burma to visit my Dad's family
  • We went to visit my mum's family in Spain

    We went to visit my mum's family in Spain
  • My first time ice skating

    My first time ice skating
  • I go to school for the very first time

    I go to school for the very first time
  • I went to the Paralympic Games in London!!

    I went to the Paralympic Games in London!!
  • A super fun time in Disneyland Paris!

    A super fun time in Disneyland Paris!
  • A fab holiday with friends and family in Italy

    A fab holiday with friends and family in Italy
  • Omelette for Christmas before a flight to South Africa for Christmas and New Year - amazing!

    Omelette for Christmas before a flight to South Africa for Christmas and New Year - amazing!
  • The first time I wore a dress (it was World Book Day!)

    The first time I wore a dress (it was World Book Day!)
  • The most fun school trip ever in the Isle of Wight

    The most fun school trip ever in the Isle of Wight
  • Leaving the UK ...

    Leaving the UK ...
  • Getting used to our new life in The Netherlands - bikes, cheese, clogs, ice skates and canals!

    Getting used to our new life in The Netherlands - bikes, cheese, clogs, ice skates and canals!
  • First day at Elckerlyc Primary School

    First day at Elckerlyc Primary School
  • Birthday fun on the trampoline and making pizzas

    Birthday fun on the trampoline and making pizzas
  • I got my swimming diplomas: A, B and C :)

    I got my swimming diplomas: A, B and C :)
  • Start at Rijnlands Lyceum, Oegstgeest

    Start at Rijnlands Lyceum, Oegstgeest