I was born!
My baby brother is born and we moved into our new house in Ardingly
We travel to Burma to visit my Dad's family
We went to visit my mum's family in Spain
My first time ice skating
I go to school for the very first time
I went to the Paralympic Games in London!!
A super fun time in Disneyland Paris!
A fab holiday with friends and family in Italy
Omelette for Christmas before a flight to South Africa for Christmas and New Year - amazing!
The first time I wore a dress (it was World Book Day!)
The most fun school trip ever in the Isle of Wight
Leaving the UK ...
Getting used to our new life in The Netherlands - bikes, cheese, clogs, ice skates and canals!
First day at Elckerlyc Primary School
Birthday fun on the trampoline and making pizzas
I got my swimming diplomas: A, B and C :)
Start at Rijnlands Lyceum, Oegstgeest