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My personal Timeline

  • My birthday

    This is the day I was born. It has a clear beginning with no definite end
  • Period: to

    My Personal Timeline

  • My sister was born

    Clear Definite Beginning with no definite end date.
  • First Day of School

    This is the first school I ever went to. It started on Sept 8,2005 and ended 2007. It has a clear beginning date and clear end date. (Same Day)
  • Coming to BLCS

    This has a clear beginning date with no clear end date with significant development for when it started
  • Meeting My Half-Brother For The First Time

    I went to the Dominican Republic for vacation and met my half brother. It had a specfic date and changed things such as my relationship with certain andit has no clear end date
  • I started my high school career

  • I finished this Timeline