My Personal Timeline

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    I was born at Garden Grove Hospital. I was born at 2:30am.
  • My First Birthday Party

    My First Birthday Party
    On Jan.16,2004 I had my first birthday day.I remember that all my family was there.
  • When I Moved Houses For The First Time

    When I Moved Houses For The First Time
    When I moved for the first time I moved to these nice apartments.I've been at the apartments for almost 14 years now.
  • My First Day At School

    My First Day At School
    The first time I went to school I cried for 20 min.Then after my parents left I was fine for the rest of the day
  • When I First Went To Los Vegas

    When I First Went To Los Vegas
    When I first went to Los Vegas I thought it was really cool to be somewhere else then home.But after we went for the next year and it got bored
  • When I first Got Into Cars

    When I first Got Into Cars
    When I first started to get into car was when I first helped my dad with my moms car.Then ever since I've liked cars.
  • When I Graduated From 6th Grade

    When I Graduated From 6th Grade
    When I first graduated from 6th grade my mom was really happy for me.
  • When I Got My First Iphone

    When I Got My First Iphone
    When I got my first Iphone I was really excited because i'd always wanted a Ipohne.My first Iphone was in 8th grade then I feel and broke the phone
  • When I Finished 8th Grade

    When I Finished 8th Grade
    When I graduated from 8th grade my whole family went and they were really excited for me.Then at that my mom knew I was going to do good in high school
  • When I First Went to High School

    When I First Went to High School
    When I first went to high school i was scared because there was lot more kids then middle school.Then after if was okay after like a month or two.
  • Family Vacation

    Family Vacation
    I went on a week vacation with my family.We went on a cruise boat from Long Beach to Mexico.
  • The First Time I Got In Trouble

    The First Time I Got In Trouble
    When I first got into trouble was when I brought two vapes to school and then they suspendedme for 1 day.
  • I Went To My First Car Show

    I Went To My First Car Show
    When I went to my first car show I got to see my dream car a Nissan GT-R.Then I saw a Audi R8 and that's my brothers dream car
  • When I Got My First Job

    When I Got My First Job
    When I got my first job I helped my mom paying the phone bills.After that every time my check comes in she get half and i get the other half.
  • When I Got In Trouble Again

    When I Got In Trouble Again
    When I got into trouble again I got caught up with 2 vapes again.Then when I went home my mom was really mad at me.