My Personal Timeline

By 3000927
  • My Birth

    Born in Illinois
  • My First Trip to Mexico

    My First Trip to Mexico
    Got my passport as well.
  • My First Summer

    Yay Illinois weather
  • My First Day of Kindergarten

    My First Day of Kindergarten
    Fearn is the best, will always be
  • My First Day of Middle School

    My First Day of Middle School
    yay got into scet
  • Graduate Middle School

    Bye Jewel, time to work at jewel osco
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    my 18 year free trial ends, time for pay per month
  • Accepted into the University of Pennsylvania

    Accepted into the University of Pennsylvania
    Double Major in Economics and Finance
  • Graduate University with a Bachelor's and MBA degree

    Graduate University with a Bachelor's and MBA degree
  • I get my First Job

    I get my First Job
    working at a place that promotes farts isn't pretty
  • My First Car

    My First Car
  • I Go to Las Vegas and Bet almost all my money but make double

    I Go to Las Vegas and Bet almost all my money but make double
  • Started my Own Business named "Farts and Fatalities"

    Started my Own Business named "Farts and Fatalities"
    It took me more than decade but we made it
  • I Make a Nature Sanctuary for Goats

    I Make a Nature Sanctuary for Goats
  • My Net Worth Reaches 1 Trillion $USD

  • My Net Worth Reaches 1 Trillion $USD

    My Net Worth Reaches 1 Trillion $USD
  • I Fake my Own Death

    I Fake my Own Death
    nobody believed me
  • I am Inducted into The Flex Hall of Fame

    I am Inducted into The Flex Hall of Fame
  • I Retire to Africa

    I Retire to Africa
  • Tragically hit by flying naked mole rat

    Tragically hit by flying naked mole rat
    yeet i ded