My Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Texas (then adopted and got moved to San Diego)
  • We moved to Virginia

    We moved to Virginia
    Moved to Virgina
  • (this is a picture for going to school in Virginia)

    (this is a picture for going to school in Virginia)
  • Period: to

    I went to Preschool in Virginia

    I went to preschool and part of Kindergarten in Virginia
  • Tornado (Joplin)

    Tornado (Joplin)
    The tornado hit Joplin and killed 158-161 people, and had over 1,000 injuries. We watched videos in class and I was surprised at what that small thing could do.
  • Moved to Missouri

    Moved to Missouri
    Moved to Saint Louis, Missouri
  • Nelson Mandela Dies

    Nelson Mandela Dies
    He was a South African leader of Civil Rights that protected rights in Africa.
  • Robot Lands On Comet

    Robot Lands On Comet
    A robot named Philae landed on a hurling rock and started to do scientific experiments.
  • President Obama Declares a State of Emergency in Response to a water crisis in Michigan

    President Obama Declares a State of Emergency in Response to a water crisis in Michigan
    'Cause of bad water pipes, drinking water was contaminated with lead, and that resulted in lots of people getting sick.
  • The election

    The election
    Donald Trump was elected having 2.9 million votes more than Hillary Clinton. I remember how everyone was cheering and rushing to vote, and I really didn't care who won. I knew that whoever won would be the best choice for us.
  • Changed houses in Missouri

    Changed houses in Missouri
    Moved houses in Missouri but stayed in same school district