S p i c e y

My Personal Time Line, BH

By zilla-
  • Siblings

    I have two siblings, Raven and Tara. Tara was born on February 4th, 1984. Raven was born on October 26th, 1994.
  • My Pets

    My Pets
    I had a Dog and a Gecko, but they have both passed away. The Dogs name was Bridget and the Geckos name was Zilla. We got Bridget on October 24th, 2001. We got Zilla on Christmas Eve, 2012.
  • When I was born

    When I was born
    I was born on January 20th, 2003 at 6:44pm. My length was 20 inches and I weighed 7 pounds and six ounces. I had a little tuff of blond hair on my head.
  • First time I crawled and walked

    First time I crawled and walked
    I crawled at 5 months, and it wasn't really a crawl, it was more of a drag because I would lay on one side and pull my body along the carpet. I first walked when I was one year old.
  • My First Birthday

    My First Birthday
    At my first birthday party, only family was invited: Grandpa, Grandma, Great Grandma, My Parents (Obviously), and my sister Raven.
  • My First Fish

    My First Fish
    I was 3 years old when I caught my first fish. It was at Lake Alvin, and a Blue Gill
  • When I lost my first tooth

    When I lost my first tooth
    I was about 6 when I lost my first tooth. My Dad had to pull it out, because I wouldn't even touch it.
  • Life Changing Events

    Life Changing Events
    I used to live in a house down by the water tower park (512 Poplar Drive) but we moved to my current house on July 14th, 2009.
  • My Vacations

    My Vacations
    So far, I have been to (and this is in order from earliest to latest) Virginia Beach, Gulf Shores Alabama, Black hills(multiple times), Telluride Colorado, Orlando Florida, and Tenessee.
  • Achievements

    When I was in robotic 2 years ago, we won best rookie team.
  • Family Members that have Passed Away

    Family Members that have Passed Away
    My family members that have passed away are my Grandpa Merle and his wife, Grandma Tina. Tina passed away on August 2015 and Merle passed away on December 2015.
  • Sports

    The sports I am in are Trap Shooting and Golf.