By hallbj
  • When I was Born

    When I was Born
    I was born in Arizona.
    My mother gave birth to me at night.
    I was born some were around Meza
  • Period: to

    my life spann

  • First walk

    First walk
    My mother was holding me she let me go and i walked to my father.
    I was 2 years old
  • Saparated from mother

    Saparated from mother
    learn more about costarica
    My father and mother got a devorce so my father took me out of the state elligaly.
    My father took me to costarica.
  • My first language

    My first language
    this is a great tool to have if u ever go to costarica
    I learned how to speak fluent spanish.
    Its easy once you get the hang of it.
  • My first tooth

    My first tooth
    My first tooth was the front tooth it hurts a little at first but then feels ok
  • First came to America

    First came to America
    New mexico info
    I remmember like it was yesturday. I was in the air port I remmember meeting my family from my dads side that was one of the best moment of mylife.
  • My foster family

    The family had about 6 kids including me it was unbolievable when i was with them the family was tight on money so they were thinking of moving to Utah.
  • Meeting my real mother for the first time

    Meeting my real mother for the first time
    My mother when I first met her she is magnificent there was no other feeling like it in the world.
  • Meeting my mother side of the family

    Meeting my mother side of the family
    it was so cool to meet these people, I felt honored to meet them all.
  • My mother get full costudie of me

    My mother tell me to pick up my belongings Im finally coming home. I felt releaved
  • My freshman year at MHS

    My freshman year at MHS
    I rememmber it was crazy somany people go here.
    IM glad to come to MHS.
  • I celebrated my birth day for the first time

    I celebrated my birth day for the first time
    learn why to celebrate bdays
    I had some kake and ice cream.
    I got to see my family members
  • My 16th birthday

    My 16th birthday
    My 16th birth day was cool i rememmber my mother telling me I am an adult know.
  • Halloween

    learn abou halloweenI went out with my cousin I took my cousin out for halloween it was great.
  • Happy new years

    Happy new years
    New years
    I lit fire works... I stent time with the family