My Personal Time

  • Birth of Jesse Pasillas

    Birth of Jesse Pasillas
    I was born in Fountain Valley. I am the only child.
  • Starting Preschool

    Starting Preschool
    I went to Wakeham Elementary. The principal name was Ms. Leeche
  • First Time going to Las Vegas

    First Time going to Las Vegas
    I went with Grandma, Grandpa, and cousin I slept a lot on the way to Las Vegas. We went to Las Vegas for thanksgiving to spend time with my Grandma´s sister´s
  • First Time going to Tijuana

    First Time going to Tijuana
    I went to Tijuana for the first time with my Grandma, Grandpa, and my cousin. We went to be with my Great Grandma for 4th of July.
  • Being in a basketball team

    Being in a basketball team
    I joined because my grandparents wanted me in a sport. I did not like basketball and asked to quit
  • My Cousin´s Quince

    My Cousin´s Quince
    My Cousin is having her Quince to celebrate that she is going to be a woman now. I remember my little cousin´s were crying because she is getting older.
  • Joining Grampas Boxing Gym

    Joining Grampas Boxing Gym
    I wanted to join a combat sport to learn how to fight. My Grandpa put took and paid for practices
  • First time sparring someone

    First time sparring someone
    This was the first time I got to spar with someone. I only threw about four punches because i was scared of hitting the other guy
  • Won my first amature fight

    Won my first amature fight
    I won my first ever amature fight my heart was beating so fast the whole day. I won and got a red and gold belt it was three rounds all the rounds were two minutes
  • First Time trying wings

    First Time trying wings
    My first time eating wings was at Buffalo Wild Wings. With my friends we ate at the one in Buena Park Mall
  • Being in a 15

    Being in a 15
    I decided to be in 15 with my friends. I thought I was not gonna like it but the day of the 15 was fun.
  • Going to a New Intermediate School

    Going to a New Intermediate School
    I got expelled for a dumb joke then had to go to another school. I was scared and did not want to but I made many friends there and was nice.
  • Starting Highschool

    Starting Highschool
    The first time starting high school was weird because seeing many different people bigger, smaller, and older
  • Quitting Boxing

    Quitting Boxing
    I quit boxing because my trainer was moving back to Mexico. I had another trainer and started missing practices which made me decide to quit
  • Being in my cousin´s 15

    Being in my cousin´s 15
    I was in a 15 with both my cousins. Each guy danced with both girl´s