
My Personal Technological Experience

  • Cable TV

    Cable TV
    I wasn't even in kindergarten yet when a little black box was connected to our living room TV and suddenly we went from having 5 channels to a plethora of child and teen-friendly channels like Disney, Nickelodeon, and MTV!!! Before this point, I rarely watched TV because the only child-friendly show that I can remember watching was Sesame Street and it only came on in the morning...once a day.
    Image Source:
  • NES

    Christmas of 1989 my brother got the NES! I remember this distinctly because we spent WEEKS playing "Track Meet" which came with a running pad you could connect to the TV. As you ran in place on the pad, the runner in the game would run. NES also came with "Duck Hunt" and that came with a gun you hooked up to the TV. The objective was to shoot ducks as they flew out of the tall grass. It was so interactive and we'd experienced NOTHING like it before!
  • My first CD player

    My first CD player
    Christmas morning of 4th grade I got my first CD player and my first CD. It was TLC's CrazySexyCool. Their song "Waterfalls" was very popular at the time. My cousins and I listened to the album as loud as we could, on repeat, in the comfort of my bedroom. Unlike cassette tapes which had to be rewound, you could effortlessly skip between songs on a CD.
  • PC, Windows 95, and AOL

    PC, Windows 95, and AOL
    Christmas of 1997 was MAJOR!! My mom and stepdad got the family our very first PC! It came with Windows95, AND we got dial-up internet...but not just ANY old internet...we got AOL!! All of our lives changed from that point on.
    The nostalgic sound of dial-up internet connection to AOL ImgSource:
  • Cordless phone with my own landline!

    Cordless phone with my own landline!
    The year I started high school was the year I really felt like I had privacy. Christmas of 9th grade I received my own landline for my bedroom along with a cordless phone. It had all the bells and whistles for the time - caller ID and my own answering machine. Before this point, house phones usually hung in the kitchen attached to the wall with a REALLY long cord. Anybody in your house could answer and it was hard to have a private conversation.
  • My first cell phone!

    My first cell phone!
    In 11th grade, I got my first job and my first cell phone! It was a Nokia. You could not access the internet, it did not have a colored screen, and the ringtones were very limited - but you could play "snake" and text by using the number buttons (this was before cell phones were equipped with the QWERTY keys). I felt on top of the world!
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    I joined a new thing called "social media" a couple years after I graduated high school. I was on MySpace for about two years and "Tom" was my first "friend". It was unlike anything on the internet at the time. Eventually, MySpace became a thing of the past and Facebook took over. I still use FB to this day. I use it to keep in contact with family and friends and make connections with others.
  • My first Smartphone!

    My first Smartphone!
    My cell phone progressively got nicer since my first Nokia...the phones that followed had a color screen, eventually, I could check MySpace, download mono-ringtones that sounded like my favorite songs, & I could even take grainy pictures! However, it wasn't until 2014 that I got my first smartphone! A computer, mobile phone, and digital camera all in one with faster internet than what I paid for at home. It's hard to imagine my life without it.