My personal development timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
  • Period: to

    My life

  • Baptized

    I got baptized with 1 year
  • First Word

    First Word
    My first word pronounced correctly was "esse", with 11 months
  • Walk

    With 14 months I was able to walk
  • Started to pedal

    Started to pedal
    I started do ride a tricycle
  • Ocean

    I met my best friend, sea
  • Gramado

    With 2 years old I went to Gramado for the first time
  • School

    I started going to school
  • Reading

    With 5 years I started to read
  • Writing

    I was able to write my own name and basic words
  • Out of the country

    Out of the country
    With 6 years, I went to Uruguay. My first time out of the country
  • Bicycle

    I was able to ride a bike without the extra wheels
  • Cirurgy

    With 8 years, I made a cirurgy to remove a thyroglossal cyst
  • Certificate

    I recaived my certificate of Course 1 of Code
  • Communion

    With twelve years I had my communion