My past

By Isla123
  • Birth

    I was born in Hamilton hospital, New Zealand. My Mum was a stay at home cleaner around the house and my Dad was a banker that insured farms.
  • Two months old

    Two months old
    At two months I had learnt to mumble my first words and make a tower using letter blocks, though my brother always used to knock them over.
  • Three months

    Three months
    When I turned three months old I was ‘so cool’ and wore jumpers with hoodies and pretended to take selfies (so embarrassing)!
  • Six months

    Six months
    By the time I turned half a year old I could roll over onto my back and start making sentences.
  • 1st birthday

    1st birthday
    Today was my first birthday and I got a pink tricycle.
  • Kindergarten (Year one)

    Kindergarten (Year one)
    Don’t worry. I look better in the next year of kindergarten.
  • Kindergarten (Year one)

    Kindergarten (Year one)
    My first year of kindergarten was awesome. I met lots of good friends that I still have today i.e., Zoe, Ruby and loads more (I already met Emmeline).
  • Kindergarten (Year two)

    Kindergarten (Year two)
    See? I told you so.
  • Kindergarten (Year two)

    Kindergarten (Year two)
    Year 2 of kindy I learnt how to marble paint, bubble paint, and finger paint. I was very pleased with myself.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 0)

    Leamington primary school (Year 0)
    See that purple bag I’m wearing? I still wore it to school in Year 6!
  • Leamington primary school (Year 0)

    Leamington primary school (Year 0)
    I was still in the same class as Ruby and Zoe and I made even more friends like Natalie Y.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 1)

    Leamington primary school (Year 1)
    As you can see in the picture, I spent hours brushing my hair (sarcasm).
  • Leamington primary school (Year 1)

    Leamington primary school (Year 1)
    I had still made many more friends through the years like Anna C, Gemma P, Elise L, Sophie B and Sophie BR.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 2)

    Leamington primary school (Year 2)
    In this picture, I have lost my two front teeth, so I was called ‘gappy’ by my teachers. It was a much bigger class than I had last year!
  • Leamington primary school (Year 2)

    Leamington primary school (Year 2)
    In this photo not all of our class had joined the school yet, but one of my best friends in this year was called Isobel. She was a Baptist and had eight siblings, two of which had moved out. She was really short but one of the kindest people I had ever met.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 3)

    Leamington primary school (Year 3)
    We got the pool the summer before this photo so that should explain the sudden tan.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 3)

    Leamington primary school (Year 3)
    This year I was introduced by my brother to my bro’s friend’s sister, Amelia. She’s the one in the very front row with the ᗯᑌT face, LMAO.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 4)

    Leamington primary school (Year 4)
    This haircut though, ugh.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 4)

    Leamington primary school (Year 4)
    This year was mostly uneventful, not really any new friends, not much change of class.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 5)

    Leamington primary school (Year 5)
    This year I was trying to get my COGs and Virtues badge (which I got in March) and my ambassador badge too (which I got at the end of Year 5).
  • Leamington primary school (Year 5)

    Leamington primary school (Year 5)
    This was my class for Year 5.
  • Rarotonga holiday

    Rarotonga holiday
    This was for my Poppi’s 70th birthday and we stayed at Raro for a week. This was so fun because I got to spend quality time with my family and there were heaps of fun activities.
  • Rarotonga holiday

    Rarotonga holiday
    I got my hair braided. Ugh I’m such a poser.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 6)

    Leamington primary school (Year 6)
    This year I started road patrol and I had a much smaller class.
  • Leamington primary school (Year 6)

    Leamington primary school (Year 6)
    This was a sad year for me because my good friend Melissa moved to Invercargill toward the end of the year.
  • Cambridge Middle School (Year 7)

    Cambridge Middle School (Year 7)
    Last year. Hmm
  • Cambridge Middle School (Year 7)

    Cambridge Middle School (Year 7)