My participation in the Knowledge Olympiad

  • Before. January, 2016

    Before. January, 2016
    My teacher noted me that i am a possible participant of the olýmpiad, then, my preparation have started. I have extra classes and some exams.
    On this year I was on 5th grade of the primary
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    In the preparation and a problem. 2016

    After that day, I prepair myself and I competed against the 6th grade boys, but, in that moment I did are on 5th, and cause I did younger than the participants, I didn´t competed against other schools
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    The preparation

    Again, I was selected to compete in the knowledge Olympiad, and then, I received more knowledges than my classmates. After a previous exam, I winned inside my school. And then, On 15th, February, My teacher sayed me the place of the next exam.
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    The next 4 exams

    After the first schoolar exam, I winned other three before I presented problems with one: It was on May, and this time I presented that exam nervous, because a question lock my mind, and i have more incorrects than on the other exams
  • The last exam

    The last exam
    I represented to Zumpango, Tecamac, Ecatepec and other three municipalities, and I competed against the representatives of the remaining municipalities of the state of Mexico. But, this time I lost, because I thinked that I can win because that exam is easy, but that feeling makes me a little dumb. I was the first guy that represented to the elementary school "Jaime Torres Bodet" on that level.
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    After the Olympiad

    The teacher thinked that I can be an inspiration for other studiants, and I gived one or two explications about my training and how to get better in the school and as person. But, the summer vacations comed on, and I go to the secondary