Personal Timeline

  • Parents Marriage

    Parents Marriage
    My parents marriage was married 8 years before I was born
  • Brother Born

    Brother Born
    My brother was born 3 years before I was born.
  • I was Born

    I was Born
    I was born the same date as Princess Diana
  • Plane Ride

    Plane Ride
    I went on the plane for the first time to go to London
  • London, Paris

    London, Paris
    I went to London, Paris with my relatives
  • First Day Of School

    First Day Of School
    When I was 5 year old I went to school for the first time.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    I went to Disney World, 5 years after I was born
  • Florida Trip

    Florida Trip
    I went to Florida for couple weeks on my birthday to visit family.
  • Dorney Park

    Dorney Park
    I went to Dorney Park with my friend on the last day of summer before I had to start school.
  • ETR School

    ETR School
    I attended ETR school.