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My OWN Timeline

  • knowledge olympics

     knowledge olympics
    When I was 11 years old, I won the knowledge Olympiad at the zone level
  • concert

    I attended the concert of my favorite artists
  • my best friend

    my best friend
    I went for the first time without my family to the beach with my best friend
  • letters of congratulations

    letters of congratulations
    I received "Letters of congratulations" in high school for my academic achievement
  • I learned to swim

    I learned to swim
    I went once again with my best friend to swim, I had a great time, it's one of the best days of my life, that day, she taught me how to swim
  • mathematics Olympics

    I won the mathematics Olympics throughout high school
  • the 15 years of my best friend

    the 15 years of my best friend
    had the opportunity to spend 15 years with my best friend, it was the best day, because our birthdays are very close, I had the best birthday together with my favorite person
  • the high school

    the high school
    I stayed at the ENP 4, it was the happiest day of my life, I was proud of me.
    I went to school for the welcome week, it is one more achievement in my life that will be part of my future
  • my mom

    my mom
    I had a party with my mom and my sister to celebrate that my mom finished high school
  • My family

    My family
    I traveled with my mom, my brother and my sister after so long not to leave together