Period: to
My own time line
My birth
This day was when i birth, i birth in Barcelona in the hosspital "Hospital Sant Joan de Déu" at half past 4 of midnight, was all mi family in there. -
My first day at Nursery
Was my first day at nursery and i don't want to go my grandma encouraged me, but I spent all the day angry. -
My second lenguage
At the same time when i begun mi schooling i have my first contact with the catalan. -
My fisrt word
I began to start reading at my 4 years, and more later i saied my first word in english i think the word was bycicle, in that moment i was in class. -
The time
With the time, my writing and my reading improve. -
My best mark
That day i took my best mark in english and a 10. -
Christmas Carols
In my school every year we had to sing a christmas carols, en french. -
new lenguage
That day, i went with my parents to french because i have a frencha family, and i learned a litle -
Oral presentation
I created and explained my first presentation in English and was about London -
My worst mark
That day was took my worst mark in english, and was a 4