My Ongoing Jewish Growth

  • I am born!

  • Started Nursery School at Beth Hillel, Bloomfield, CT

  • Began school at Yeshiva in Hartford CT

  • 6 Day War

    I remember my teachers explaining the war to us and my grandfather's grief.
  • Left Yeshiva, began Religious School at Beth Hillel, Bloomfield CT

    My parents decided I should go to public school so I began religious school.
  • Olympic Massacre Munich

    First time I remember my peers and I feeling outraged and scared that Jews were being singled out.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Only 12 years old, I started reading newspapers daily. This impacted me more than the Vietnam War, which was a nightly news event.
  • My Bat Mitzvah

    A big party, not much work for a Conservative Jewish girl.
  • Left for college/gave up on all religion except when home for holidays

    My grandfather remained my strongest connection to Judaism, gently reminding me to come home for the chagim, which I always did.
  • Moved to suburbia/joined Temple/sent kids to religious school

  • Started teaching 3rd grade religious school

  • Became Temple President

  • Started Hebrew College

    A LOT has happened since then!!!!
  • Started as Religious School Director, Temple Beth David

  • Started as Religious School Director at Temple Emanuel

    Yes, I'm now at two places!