my mther bigrphy

By Ð@V1D
  • Period: 2000 BCE to

    get married

    My mother meets Diego Loaiza and some time later they get married and live a good time
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    birth of my mother

    My mother was born on August 2, 1979 in Colombia,
    Cali, her parents were called Freddy Piedrita and Norma Sanchez.
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    my mother starts school

    My mother starts school when she is 5 years old and then goes to high school.
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    go to uniersity

    My mother graduated until she was 20.
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    get a job

    my mother gets her first job as a cook
    from a good restaurant.
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    have cildren

    My mother has my brother at 27 years old, being her first child.
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    traveling to san andres

    My mother and father are going with my brother to San Andreas to spend 7 days in a hotel
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    they have another child

    They have another son and his name is David. A few years later they go to San Andres again.
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    My mother divorces my father after an infidelity because of my father and we come to Spain
  • divorcied
