My Mother time line

  • 2016 BCE

    her third child

    her third child
    On May 2, 2016, she had her third and last child with Jordi, who was also born in Barcelona.
  • 2010 BCE

    her first daughter

    her first daughter
    In 2010, she had her first daughter, with Jordi, Júlia, she was born in Barcelona on May 2, 2010.
  • 2009 BCE

    get married

    get married
    She went to the United Kingdom to work for 1 year, she worked in a hotel
  • 2003 BCE

    she goes to the united kingdom

    She went to the United Kingdom to work for 1 year, she worked in a hotel
  • 2000 BCE

    university starts

    She went to the University of Catalan Studies in Barcelona to study Catalan Philology.
  • 1999 BCE

    First job

    she worked in a coffee shop on Fridays because she didn't have class
  • 1983 BCE

    the school starts

    She is going to start school at Emili Juncadella
  • 1980 BCE


    She was born on April 26, 1980 in Barcelona. to the remei clinic.
  • high school starts

    She is going to study secondary school at the roca study center
  • her second son

    her second son
    Later, she had her second son, with Jordi, Marc, who was also born in Barcelona. On September 10, 2012.