My Mother Running a Marathon

  • Nike Commercial Inspiration

    Nike Commercial Inspiration
    While taking a few weeks off of work, a Nike commercial came on the TV. The words Just Do It inspired my mother to go on a few hikes and walks. After greatly enjoying it she found herself going on walks up to ten miles.
  • Gym Membership

    After lots of walking she decided to pick up a gym membership and start trying some lifting
  • Trip to Texas

    Trip to Texas
    Fueled by the idea of doing it, my mother decided in order to discover new hobbies, she needed to push through her fears. This idea then led to do white canoeing and rock climbing at Rio Grand. Despite a fear of heights my mother greatly enjoyed her trip.
  • Mount Rainer

    With pushing limits in mind, my mother decided to climb Mount Rainer at Washington State
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro

    With pushing limits in mind, my mother decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
  • Climbing Nevado Pisco

    With pushing limits in mind, my mother decided to climb Nevado Pisco.
  • Picked up Running

    With a friend my mother would casually run and talk between two and three times a week.
  • 5K in ___

    At 40 my mother decided to enter her first race, a 5K. at this race she was able to get 21:43 and collect a metal for second place in her age group.
  • More Woman's Fitness New York City Half Marathon

    Despite bad rain, my mother finished her first half marathon.
  • Half Marathon in Blue Hills Massachusetts

    After completing her first half marathon my mother decided to enter and finish another.
  • Training Plain

    My mother found a three month training plain online which she and her friend followed
  • Day Before Marathon

    In order to make sure they understood the route, my mother and her friend drove along side it.
  • Half Way Point

    At half way my mothers split was 2:33:43. She was feeling good and utilized her music to keep her inspired.
  • Complete Marathon

    With the help of her sons cheering her on, my mother completed her marathon in a time of 5:07.21.
  • Boston Athletic Association Lowell 2010 Marathon

    After years of training, my mother lined up for her first marathon.