My Mom's Life

  • Caroline was born!

    She was born in Montebello, CA. But she lived in Downey CA up untill she turned 13.
  • Period: to

    Life in Downey, CA

  • Caroline stared in a hollywood movie!

    The Onion Field ReviewsShe was a Scottish dancing extra in the film "The Onion Field". She danced all day for a 30 second scene. You only see her face for a split second, but she is still a star!
  • Move to Napa

    Move to Napa
    Caroline moved to Napa, CA while she was thirteen.
  • Caroline has Scoliosis Surgery

    She had scoliosis surgery when she was 14 years old. She got her body cast on Friday November 13th.
  • Caroline got her first car

    Her first car was a Red Nissan Sentra.
  • Caroline graduated High School

    Caroline graduated High School
    Vintage High SchoolCaroline graduated from Vintage High School in Napa, CA.
  • Caroline goes to UC Davis

    Caroline goes to UC Davis
    UC DavisShe goes to UC Davis for 2 years and then she transfers to chiropractic college.
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    College Years

  • Caroline met Rick

    Caroline met Rick on the first day of Chiropractic College.
  • Caroline transfers to a chiropractic college

    Caroline transfers to a chiropractic college
    Palmer College of ChiropracticAfter staying at UC Davis for two years she decided that she wantede to be a chiropractor so she transfered to Palmer College of Chiropractic/West.
  • Caroline startes dating Rick

  • Caroline graduates from Palmer College of Chiropractic

    Caroline graduates from Palmer College of Chiropractic
    Palmer College of Chiropractic WestAfter staying at UC Davis for two years she decided that she wantede to be a chiropractor so she transfered to Palmer College of Chiropractic/West.
  • Moved to San Diego

    Caroline moved to san diego with her boyfriend Rick.
  • Caroline and Rick get Married

    Caroline and Rick get Married
    St. John's Episcopal Church They got married at St. John's Episcopal Church in Chula Vista.
  • Caroline and Rick Started Vision Chiropractic

    Caroline and Rick Started Vision Chiropractic
    Vision ChiropracticCaroline and Rick started Vision Chiropractic a family practice. The office is located in La Mesa, CA.
  • Jordan was born!

    Jordan was the first child and she was born on her parents 5th wedding anniversary! She was also born on Friday the 13th!
  • Period: to

    Baby Years

  • Garrett was born!

    Garrett was the second child to be born!
  • Caroline ran her first marathon

    Caroline ran her first marathon
    Rock-n-Roll MarathonSan Diego Track ClubShe trained with the San Diego Track Club for the Rock-n-Roll Marathon in San Diego.
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    Marathon Years

    Caroline ran 4 marathons in her Marathon Years!
  • Caroline ran her 2nd Marathon

    Caroline ran her 2nd Marathon
    Napa Valley MarathonShe ran the Napa Valley Marathon. Her time was so great that it qualified her for the Boston Marathon.
  • Caroline ran the Boston Marathon

    Caroline ran the Boston Marathon
  • Caroline ran her 4th Marathon

    Caroline ran her 4th Marathon
    Napa Valley MarathonShe ran the Napa Vallet Marathon again but this time with her friend Abby.