Rosa parks

Rosa Parks

  • Born

    Civil rights leader Rosa Parks was born.
  • Moved to Pine Level, Alabama

    Moved to Pine Level, Alabama
    Rosa went to live with her grandparents ,at years old, who had been slaves. They taught her that all people should be treated equally.
  • School Age

    School Age
    Rosa was able to attend school. The problem was she could only attend segregated schools. These schools were not well funded or equipped correctly. The building was one room for K-6 and they had to take all their books and materials home so they wouldn't be stolen or destroyed.
  • Moved to Montgomery, Alabama

    Moved to Montgomery, Alabama
    At age 11, Rosa moved to Montgomery. She continued to go to school.
  • Marriage

    Rosa got married to Raymond Parks, He was barber. Both shared a dislike for segregation laws. They both belonged to the NAACP who were working towards equal rights for African Americans.
  • Bus Boycott

    Bus Boycott
    Rosa refused to give up her seat to a white man. Rosa was arrested. Her arrest led to a boycott of African American's refusing to ride the city buses. It lasted for 1 year.
  • Supreme Court Case

    Supreme Court Case
    Rosa wins her case at the Supreme Court. The court decides that public bus segregation is illegal.
  • Medal of Freedom

    Medal of Freedom
    Rosa spends her life fighting for equal rights. In 1996 she is award the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  • Death

    Rosa died at the age of 92. She is known as the "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement."