My mom timeline

  • She's Born

    She's Born
    My mother was born on January 31, 1973
  • My mom start school

    My mom start school
    My mother starts school on September 7, 1979
  • My mom go to university

    My mom go to university
    My mother is starting university
  • My mom leave university

    My mom leave university
    My mother finishes university with 2 majors on September 5, 1999
  • My mom get a job

    My mom get a job
    My mother finds a job she likes and starts doing it
  • My mom start work

    My mom start work
    And finally, on October 4, 2000, he started working
  • My mom get married

    My mom get married
    My mother finds a partner and they are considering having children
  • My mom have children

    My mom have children
    My mother has her first child
  • My mom have another children

    My mom have another children
    And finally you have his second