My mom's dad is born
In June 19, 1951 Abera, my mom's dad is born -
My moms mom is born
My mom's mom, Yesha was born. She was the oldest of her siblings. -
Period: to
My mom's mom is in highschool
At about the dates shown, my mom's mom was in highschool. It was during highschool that her and my mom's dad met -
The Ethiopian Civil War begins
The war began when Derg staged a coup d'état against Emperor Haile Selassie. I believe this is the war my moms dad, Abera, fought in.
This was when Hile Sillase, the former emperor of Ethiopia, was kicked off of the throne. -
Period: to
The Ethiopian Civil War
My mom is born
Frehiwot Abera Haylemariam was the oldest of 5 children.
Picture left to right- Yeshihareg (moms mom), my mom as a little kid, and Abera. (my moms dad). Both of her parents had just finished highschool. Her mom later became an English teacher, and her dad became a police officer. (He later joined the army) -
A new brother is born
My mom's new brother, Dagnachew was born about three years after my mom was born. Picture- the boy in the middle is Dagnachew -
A new sister is born
My mom's new younger sister, Mihiret was born. -
Moving to a new town
whn my mom was 7, she and her family moved from Goba to Dodola. (These are both towns in Ethiopia) -
Another Sister
My mom's new sister, whose name once was Rosa, is born. (She changed her name later on) -
The Ethiopian Civil War ends
Another brother
My moms new brother, Frazer is born -
Starting highschool
My mom started highschool -
Graduating highschool!
Done with highschool
In 1999 my mom graduated highschool with a 4.0 GPA. -
Nusing School
In 2000, my mom started nursing school, and later became a nurse -
Ever so strangely, my mom and dad got married on 9/11! -
Moving again!
In 2003, my parents immigrated from Ethiopia to Colorado in the U.S.A. -
I was born
I, Tinbit Yoseph, the oldest child of 3, was born.