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My Media Timeline

  • Mini white board and Marker

    Mini white board and Marker
    When I exposed myself to this, I started to realize that I could write anything that I knew. I also used to draw and practice writing, where I started  to improved my writing skills and abilities . 
  • Bible book

    Bible book
    My parents used to read me some bible story when i was 3yrs old . My mom told me about this now that i'm already a young one.
  • Radio

    I started exposing myself on radio when I was 7 years old. I used to enjoy listening to the news and the songs that come from it.
  • Television

    It started when i was 5years old when I exposed myself in television. It was a nice experience. After getting exposed in television, i just used love cartoon movies and enjoyable advertisements.
  • DVD player 💿

    DVD player 💿
    DVD players that play audio CDs are connected to a television to watch the DVD content, which could be a movie, a recorded TV show, or other content. It reminded me of my elementary days. Whenever I go home after a long day of class, I open our DVD player and I watch some movies from my favorite Barbie stories .
  • Comic books

    Comic books
    A comic is like a magazine that contains stories told in pictures. After I seen one of this when i was 6, I used to start drawing after reading it.
  • My mom's first mobile phone

    My mom's first mobile phone
    My mom had her first mobile phone when i was 7 years old. It was a folder phone. We used to contact our relatives & friends
  • Newspaper

    A newspaper is printed and distributed on a daily or weekly basis. They include news related to sports, politics, technology, science, local news, national news, international news, birth notices, as well as entertainment news related to fashion, celebrities, and movies. I first saw this print media when I was cleaning my mom's closet.
  • Magazine & Educational Books

    Magazine & Educational Books
    I started reading magazines and educational books at the age of 14 . A book is published once under a single title. While periodicals are magazines or academic journals that are published with a regular frequency, e.g., once a week, once a month, every three months, When I was reading some of this, it created a highly sensory reading experience, which improves my memory.
  • Computer

    A computer is a machine that can store and process information. I started exposing myself to this medium when I was in 7th grade, when one of our teachers had a subject where we were able to use a computer. 
  • Laptop

    A laptop is a computer designed for portability. Laptops are usually less than 3 inches thick, weigh less than 5 pounds, and can be powered by a battery. A laptop computer is also called a notebook. I just saw this first in my cousin's house when I visited her. She was doing a PowerPoint presentation. At first, I thought it was a computer because it had the same screen and keyboard, but my cousin told me later on that it was a laptop.
  • Facebook

    A social media platform that allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don't know, online. I once saw this application on my neighbor's cellphone, and she told me some details about its uses
  • Smartphone

    I got my first mobile phone when I was 14 years old. It was a new years gift. And it's a touch-screen phone, a cellphone display screen that also acts as an input device. Until now, it's been the same phone that I used.
  • Instagram & Twitter

    Instagram & Twitter
    I was 15, I started using IG and Twitter. Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social media service. Twitter is an American online news and social networking service on . When I first exposed myself to these types of social media, I already knew that I was an official ✨SOCIAL MEDIA PERSON✨, which I kinda liked because for years before that, I just lived my life wondering what it was like to use these types of social media.That's why the first time I used it, it was like a dream come true.😌
  • YouTube

    Also in 2018, I also use YouTube. YouTube allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, comment on videos and subscribe to other users
  • Pinterest, TikTok, Messenger and etc.

    Pinterest, TikTok, Messenger and etc.
    Relatively new to the world of social networks .
    A Pinterest one-stop shop for inspiration and discovering new products and ideas, TikTok users can create music and lip sync videos they can share with their followers. Facebook Messenger is part of Facebook's ongoing strategy to prioritize private messaging and many other social networks that has brought a big difference in social media services.
  • Google

    I used this medium to search for text in publicly accessible documents offered by web servers, as opposed to other data, such as images or data contained in databases.