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My media timeline

  • Facebook

    The world's most popular social networking web site, Facebook enables users to connect with friends and family by sharing status updates, personal photos and other items of interest. Founder Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004 while a student at Harvard, designing the site as a means for other university students to communicate and to socialize online.
  • Radio

    radio, sound communication by radio waves, usually through the transmission of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to multitudes of individual listeners equipped with radio receivers. From its birth early in the 20th century, broadcast radio astonished and delighted the public by providing news and entertainment with an immediacy never before thought possible.
  • Telivision

    The practice, science, or medium of transmitting moving images by radio waves, cable wires, or satellite to receivers consisting of a display monitor, tuner, and electronic circuitry:
  • Newspaper

    A newspaper is a periodical publication containing written information about current events and is often typed in black ink with a white or gray background.
  • YouTube

    A YouTube description refers to the content creator’s text to describe their content. It uses SEO techniques to optimize and categorize videos to help users find the right content. There are two types of YouTube descriptions: the overall description of the channel and the descriptions for each video you upload.
  • Magazine

    magazine, also called periodical, a printed or digitally published collection of texts (essays, articles, stories, poems), often illustrated, that is produced at regular intervals (excluding newspapers). A brief treatment of magazines follows. For full treatment, see publishing: Magazine publishing.