My Media Timeline

By Itsme19
  • Newspaper

    a printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles, advertisements, and correspondence.
    "all the newspapers carried the story"
  • Radio

    the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages.
    "cellular phones are linked by radio rather than wires"
  • Television

    an electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound over a wire or through space by apparatus that converts light and sound into electrical waves and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound
  • Computer

    A computer is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program. It has the ability to accept data (input), process it, and then produce outputs.
  • Cellphone

    a phone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network; a mobile phone.
  • Wi-fi

    Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows devices such as computers (laptops and desktops), mobile devices (smart phones and wearables), and other equipment (printers and video cameras) to interface with the Internet. It allows these devices--and many more--to exchange information with one another, creating a network.