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My media timeline

  • Radio

    The wireless transmission and reception of electric impulse or signals by means of electronic waves.
  • Television

    HDTV is a television display technology that provides picture quality similar to 35 mm. When I was 3 I started exposing my self.
  • Keypad phone

    Keypad phone
    A keypad installed on a push-button telephone or similar telecommunications divice for dialing a telephone number. When I was 4 I exposing the keypad phone.
  • Touchscreen

    An electronic display screen that is also an input device. A user interacts with the computer, tablet, smartphone or touch-controlled appliances by using hand gestures and fingertip movement to top pictures, moving elements or type words on the screen. When I was when I was 5 , I exposing the touchscreen.
  • Laptop computer

    Laptop computer
    A portable computer that encompasses a microprocessor, rechargeable battery fold down screen, keyboard and mouse. When I was 6 I exposing a laptop computer.
  • YouTube

    A brand name for a website on which useds can post, view, or share vedios. When I was 8 I was exposing a YouTube to share a vedio and post other memes in a website.
  • Facebook

    Is defined as an online social networking websites where people can create profile, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves, and respond or link to the information posted by other. When I was 10 I expose my in Facebook.