
My Media Timeline


    In 2006 I started watching television. Electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927.
  • Radio

    Radio is sound communication by radio waves, usually through the transmission of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to multitudes of individual listeners equipped with radio receivers.

    In 2nd grade i started playing online games such as crossfire. CrossFire is a fast-paced free-to-play first person shooter, pitting two teams against each other.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don't know, online. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.
  • Smartphone

    A smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones, such as an operating system, web browsing and the ability to run software applications.
  • Smartphone

    A smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones, such as an operating system, web browsing and the ability to run software applications.
  • Smartphone

    A smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones, such as an operating system, web browsing and the ability to run software applications.
  • YouTube

    YouTube is a powerful search engine that can help your business reach more people. Its strategy relies on optimizing videos to increase the chances of discoverability. One of the most important tactics for optimizing your YouTube channel is to create engaging YouTube descriptions.