
My Literacy Journey

  • I was welcomed into this world!

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    Introduction to Reading

    I was surrounded by a print rich environment. My parents read to me every night, and I loved books. Some of my favorites were The Night I Followed My Dog, Goodnight Moon, I'll Love You Forever, and Dr. Seuss. I also played a lot of computer games to enhance my literacy development.
  • Kindergarten, here I come!

    Reading and literacy proved to be a struggle. I lacked the confidence and differentiated instruction I needed to succede,
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    I continued to struggle with literacy tasks

    I lacked a lot of the skills that my peers had, and I didn't find any joy in reading. I didn't engage in any literacy tasks unless they were required.
  • 4th Grade- A teacher makes a world of difference!

    My 4th grade teacher got me excited about reading and learning. I was introduced to interesting books, and was able to read for enjoyment rather than for an academic task. I was introduced to books that were a good fit. I loved reading mystery and adventure books. Can Janson, and Nancy Drew were my favorites.
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    Succeding in Reading!

    I viewed literacy as the act of reading and writing. I continued to enjoy reading, and developed an interest in different genres.
  • Childhood Education at Fredonia State!

    I chose to pursue a degree in education. I had a teacher make a difference in my life, and I wanted to do the same for others.
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    Becoming an Educator

    I learned about the 5 Pillars of Reading, assessment tools, reading strategies and activities, and the importance of multimodal instruction. I learned the importance of literacy in the content areas.
  • Graduate Work at Geneseo

    I started the Reading and Literacy (K-12) at Geneseo
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    My views on what literacy is have changed

    Throughout my work at geneseo, I have reconstructed what my view on literacy is. Literacy is more than reading and writing. Students can interpret, find meaning, and express themselves through visuals, multiliteracies, books, videos, performances, and multimodal engagements.