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My timeline of the best moments

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on March 16, 2003, in the municipality of Naucalpan de Juarez, Edo. Mex at 8:43 a.m.
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    When I was one year old, I started taking my first steps.
  • My first meeting

    My first meeting
    It was the first time I played with my whole group, we disguised ourselves as our favorite characters.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    On Monday August 20 was the first day in preschool "Célestin Freinet", my mom is very nervous and when we were in the entrance I said goodbye to her and I went very happy.
  • My first diploma

    My first diploma
    Finishing the first year of elementary school, I received my first place diploma.
  • My first love

    My first love
    I do not remember the exact date, I only know that it was the first time I liked a child named Diego.
  • My brother was born

    My brother was born
    I was very happy and excited because I was finally going to have someone to play with.
  • Eating more can not

    Eating more can not
    That day we went to Puebla and I was very hungry, so we went to eat tacos, they were very big and I still finished it.
  • My first time in a photo shoot at C.U

    My first time in a photo shoot at C.U
    We went to accompany my dad since it was the photo with his generation to finish his degree.
  • My first Thursday Pozolero

    My first Thursday Pozolero
    We were looking for a place where they sold pozole near the school and luckily we found a place 3 blocks away, it was the first meal I had with friends from school.