Whatsapp image 2020 08 24 at 07.39.46

my line of time

  • my line of time

    I studied my elementary school in a school in my town
  • My first birthday

    I remember that I had my first gift cycle
  • the first time i learned to skate

    I skated with my friends
  • my elementary graduation

    I studied and graduated from elementary school, I was happy
  • my trip to the coast

    I explore the sea and its ecosystem on my trip to the coast
  • when i learned to drive

    I drove and learned from my father
  • Period: to

    my baccalaureate degree

    I built my elementary school with study and effort that moment was very important for me
  • my first job

    I worked in a clothing store folding jean was a lot of fun
  • my arrival at the university

    I studied accounting assistant and it made me very happy to have my degree