my line of time

  • my birth

    my birth
    I was born on October 4, 2001 here in the city of Ibague
  • my childhood

    my childhood
    In my childhood I was surrounded by many friends, we played day and night and shared good times.
  • my first year at school

    my first year at school
    I started my studies in the year 2007 in the school jose Joaquin Florez, I started preschool, it was a unique and really wonderful year I learned to draw among other things On December 3, 2007 was the grade. And so I start this.
  • My aunt's birthday

    My aunt's birthday
    on this day I shared with my family and friends,
    It was an occasion of great joy and emotion I played laughed and ate a lot.
  • my 5th year degree

    my 5th year degree
    after completing my primary something exciting came, my degree I was about to start a new stage my high school
  • my sister's birth

    my sister's birth
    That same year my little sister was born a moment of immense happiness for all of us a beautiful blessing from God
  • my adolescence

    my adolescence
    new friends new people, my family always united, and during that time at school I was always a good student
  • my first experiences

    my first experiences
    during this year I started to be part of the ipuc symphonic, I met many people and surrounded by wonderful people
  • my fifteen years

    my fifteen years
    this year was one of my favorites, I was surrounded by all the people I love, It was my fifteen years and thank God I could enjoy them.
  • a new year

    a new year
    this year I started 10th grade I met new friends, my family always united thanks to God, I continued in the symphonic, and so new experiences came and improved every day.
  • my hobbies

    my hobbies
    also in this year I continue continuing in the symphonic, with new friends and different places.
  • my family

    my family
    my family is still united thanks to God, and keeps growing more and more
  • 2018

    Now I'm in 11th grade almost to graduate, new friends have arrived, It has been a difficult year but thank God your blessings are great every day. I hope to continue studying and learning new things every day
  • my goals and dreams

    my goals and dreams
    in 2019 continue studying, and get my diploma as an accounting technologist
  • achievements

    have a job, and so be able to get ahead and help my parents
  • experiences

    to be able to travel with my parents and my sisters and so to be able to know new cultures.
  • my family

    my family
    already for that year I hope to have my a family, continuep working, traveling around the world and help my parents and little sister