My name is Geordy Manuel Alfaro Rueda and this is my timeline

By Geordy
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on September 21, 2004 at the Danubio medical center in Barrancabermeja, Santander
  • My first day of school

     My first day of school
    I started studying on February 8, 2010 at the Divino Niño Jesús school
  • My kindergarten graduation

     My kindergarten graduation
    I graduated from kindergarten on November 22, 2010 at the Colegio Divino Niño Jesús
  • My fifth grade of elementary school

    My fifth grade of elementary school
    I graduated from fifth grade on December 5, 2015 at the school Mi Granjita SEDE C of the educational institution Camilo Torres Restrepo
  • My first time on a bicycle

     My first time on a bicycle
    My father used me to ride a bicycle on December 11, 2015 and ... I LEARNED
  • My first time in high school

    My first time in high school
    Between to do sixth of bachelor in the Educational Institution Camilo Torres Restrepo SEDE A on February 12, 2016
  • My first time at a football club

     My first time at a football club
    I started playing in a football club on March 11, 2016 in Semillas FC
  • my first time losing subjects

     my first time losing subjects
    sixth was one of the years when I went wrong in school, the first period I lost six subjects but in the end I won the year
  • My first injury

     My first injury
    Five months after entering the football club I had an Achilles heel injury on August 08, 2016
  • I fell in love for the first time

     I fell in love for the first time
    On March 3 I fell in love at first sight of a very beautiful girl named Karol and it is the most beautiful thing that I know
  • End of my timeline

     End of my timeline
    This is it, my timeline is over, I'm sitting in front of a computer at 10:19 p.m. and I have 1 hour with 41 minutes to deliver my timeline, I entertained doing this work and I loved it, I could tell things to the English teacher as I was in love and that nobody knew (or the same girl) she is very adorable, I say goodbye to you and I hope you get 100 in this job ... Have a good night