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MY LINE OF TIME (valentina castilla acosta)

  • Birth

    I born in Cartagena at 03:00 am.
  • Period: to


    Valentina Castilla Acosta
  • move

    My parents separated, I moved with my mother to Bucaramanga
  • prees-cool

    study in bucaramanga until first grade
  • move

    I moved to Santa Marta
  • primary

    I studied in different schools until I graduated from elementary school
  • bachelor

    I studied three years in Santa Marta, at the Maria Magdalena school.
  • moving again

    I moved to Bucaramanga and started studying the last three years in my bachelor's life
  • my fifteen

    I made them super happy with my family
  • graduation

    I graduated from Rafael Nuñez School
  • sabbatical

    it was actually 2 sabbaticals lol
  • college

    I moved to Cartagena, I started my university studies at the University of Cartagena