My line of time Kevin Steven Avendaño

  • Birth

    I was born in the city of Bogotá, where I currently live
  • Christening

    I was baptized in the main church of the El Carmen neighborhood in the company of my great grandfather, my mother, my godparents, and other close relatives.
  • Studies

    I started attending preschool at the Liceo Graham Bell school in the Candelaria neighborhood
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    I made my first communion in the same church where I was baptized.
  • Primary Completion

    I graduated from fifth grade at Liceo Santa Paula school
  • Studies

    I entered the first year of high school at the Inem Santiago Perez school located in the Tunal neighborhood.
  • Graduation

    I finished my secondary studies at the Inem Santiago school.
    The degree was a success together with my parents.
  • Technology career

    I studied a technologist in Integrated Quality Management at SENA, I learned a lot.
  • I finished my technological studies

    I finished my technological studies, and did internships with the Saludcoop company
  • University

    Inicie mi carrera profesional en Ingenieria Industrial en la Universidad Autonoma de Colombia.
  • Travel

    I went on a trip to Cartagena together with my parents, I knew a lot and visited many magnificent places
  • Job training

    I did an internship for my studies at the Bogotá Telecommunications Company. Where later they hire me as a direct from the company.