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My Biography valentina Cardenas 11-02

  • my birth

    it was a very happy day for my whole family and although i had a bit of complications everything went well
  • my first Birthday

    my first Birthday
    this was a very special day for me and my whole family because even though i was very small y really enjoyed sharing with my family
  • halloween

    its the only halloween i remember when i was little and it was a very fun daythat happened with my whole family
  • my best christmas

    my best christmas
    it was a very special day because they gave me my little dog
  • my fifth grade

    my fifth grade
    this was a great day i was very excited because i was about to start another stage in my life
  • my 15 years

    my 15 years
    it was a wonderful day i was very happy to have shared with my family and with my friends
  • promotion

    it was a nice day i shared with my friends and classmates
  • my future

    studying in another country to knowthe whole world and be a forensic reseacher